Sunday, October 7, 2007

Here are the gorgeous ones! All getting older and 2 out of the 3 are pleased with that! Frankie is turning 10 this week and just got a great report! She is busily planning her birthday and I just hope and pray it will be a sleep over with all girls and nail polish and stuff like that with some high pitched screaming involved. It never makes me think about what it would be like to have a boy...
I got this really cool idea form Little House on the Prairie for a birthday that Laura Ingalls had. Its where Frankie will get to sleep unto 6am, gets up to to do morning chores and will get 2 apples for lunch; one for her and one to share with her friends. We will make her a dress out of some old curtain material and after school her friends can come over and draw pictures in the dirt outside, eat baked beans out of a rusty tin and do their homework together! (nice and cheap!)

Actually its been fun organising it! Should be a blast! (except the screaming bit...)

Rudi is doing great! Love going into her class, her kids love her and she has so much fun with them.

Old Emma is a constant surprise and I don't know if that is a good thing.... Her teacher is super cool and her husband called Max teaches next door to me. At our grade level meeting last week he started laughing and said that his wife was talking about adults having hair and such then all the little kids started telling stories about their parents. Emma apparently shot her hand in the air and told the class how I like to come out of the shower and do the 'naked haka' (not true, I don't even know the words!) Emma then got up and brought the house down with her rendition of this 'nz ritual'. I emailed Emma's teacher to tell her to hit her really hard if she did that again or lock her in closet and she said, "well, Mark Emma tells us alot of what you guys get up to.."(?) She would not elaborate.
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